Antispam Blogs


Thursday, May 1, 2008


Here is my latest article. It may be freely used in ezines, on websites or in e-books, as long as the Resource Box is left intact.

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"SPAM...And How To Lose It!"

From what we read, it looks like that the SPAM issue is finally reaching the heights of government it should, and is causing increased problems throughout the communications network, all over the world.

From what we also read, it seems as though a certain way of thinking is now becoming entrenched, to wit: SPAM is here to cannot be stopped, absolutely.

As to the first, it's about time that governments did enact severe penalties for misuse of bandwidth. And, we hope that draconian measures will, over time, have a salutary effect upon all spammers, and upon all those who aspire to such lowly pursuits. But, we doubt their effectiveness, overall.

As to the second, however, we beg to differ: SPAM is not here to stay. It can be defeated...

Bold words, you might say. And, you'd be right.

But, we've done it...and we can prove it.

First off though, contemplate some current aspects about SPAM:

1. Spammers are getting "better and better" at delivering their message;

2. More and more spam filtering services are starting up, to "fight the good fight"; and

3. Content filtering by ISPs, email services and self-styled "protectors-of-the-realm" shall we say, is becoming more prevalent and intrusive.

Let us try to encapsulate those three points into a "world-view" about SPAM, if you will (what philosophers might refer to as *weltanschauung*):

On the web, there exists a Group One which, using a certain mode of communication (i.e. email), is trying to get its messages viewed by all Groups, while another Group Two--some of which may be part of Group One--with the same mode, is trying desperately to stop those messages, while still a Third Group--which may be part of Group One or Group Two or both--has taken upon itself the task of invading the privacy of personal communications--again using the same mode--in the mistaken belief that action will help to stop Group One, or some of Group Two, or both, or even all three.

What could be more ludicrous? Is it any wonder that confusion reigns supreme, in this particular *weltanschauung*?

And, amidst all this confusion, there is a very basic mindset that allows spammers to keep winning, and it is this: ask anybody what they do to stop SPAM, and the answer will be something like, "Well, I use filters to keep it out of the inbox" or "Filters at my ISP stop SPAM coming to my inbox" or, yet again, "I use a filtering program to check for SPAM and delete it before it gets to me."

In other words, everybody is reacting to something that the spammers have initiated. Now, no matter what the situation is in life, *reaction* is generally a recipe for disaster...

For those of you who are students of warfare, the advantage of Group One is immediately apparent: *they've set the rules of engagement, and everybody is dutifully following on*. Is it any wonder then, that spammers are winning, and will continue to win, if nothing changes?

Unless...unless, of course, the rules of engagement *are* changed...but *not* by the spammers.

What is the single and *only* thing that will stop a spammer from sending any message? This may not be readily apparent to some, simply because there is so much confusion and hype. But, the answer is simply this: if the spammer knows that the message *cannot possibly* get through to you, there is *no point in sending it*!

Think of this: if there was some way to make sure--categorically--that all SPAM could not get through to end-users, no spammer could afford to keep sending any SPAM. No virus programmer would bother sending out viruses via email. Porn merchants would drop email like a hot potato, if nothing could get through to you.

Well, of course, if the computer internet connection is severed, then no SPAM gets through. But, that's like the doctor who blandly says, "Well...the disease is cured." while the patient lies dead from the surgery!

Well, this is where the rules of engagement can be changed, and which brings us back to our bold statement and claim above...

Everybody is now simply concentrating on stopping SPAM getting to the inbox, and *then* bringing in the remainder (which is your valid email). That plays directly into their hands, pilgrim--it's like putting gasoline onto the fire.

So...change the rules of engagement, by turning it around: concentrate on *bringing in your valid email*, and simply discard the rest (and that's all the SPAM).

If *you* decide what the criteria should be for accepting all valid email, and spammers *don't know* the rules to follow, then no SPAM can *ever* get through to you; nor can any scams, viruses, porn or anything else you don't want.

*It really is that simple...*

Now, of course, how does one set the required rule that no spammer could ever know? Again, the answer is disarmingly simple: set up a filter rule in your email program which always categorically identifies all your valid email. Any message that does not comply with this rule is discarded as SPAM. All the bad stuff can even be stopped at your server, so that you never, ever see it.

That's the good news...

Now, here's the even better news : there *are* a few email programs that *can* support such a filter rule, although others cannot. That crucial information can be found in an ebook that we recently published, in which we subjected 25 email programs to detailed testing. You can find more information about it here:

Just remember this: online SPAM is not a necessary evil--it's just an evil necessary for those who SPAM online. And, if you do nothing now, the spammers win and will continue to win, always.

Your choice...
Roger Burke has been involved with computers since 1967, and has managed to break quite a few, over the years. He, and his wife Sherry, are now actively engaged in online self-publishing and promoting specific affiliate programs at . If you have any comments or questions about this article, please send emails to . IMPORTANT: Please ensure the word--Mayapan--is in the Subject line.


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